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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

List Building - The Power Of Two!

If you could successfully apply the "power of two" to your viral list building, you could potentially grow you list incredibly to in excess of one million subscribers in as little as 20 weeks, the power of two is literally that powerful when applied as a multiplier to your list!

1 million subscribers in as little as 20 weeks ... I guess you're now thinking that I might just be a touch mad. Well you'd be right! But, when you see my example of the "power of two" below, you'll see that by getting just one key ingredient of your viral list building right, your list will explode exponentially in a very short space of time!

To explode your own lists in just a few weeks, you've got to apply viral list building tactics that will stimulate the "power of two". In particular, you've got to provide really compelling reasons for each new subscriber you get to join your list to tell other people about you and your products. Crucially for the power of two work, you need your new subscribers to each tell just "two" other people, that's right just two".

Let's look at the example I promised above of the "power of two" in action:

We're going to assume that you already have a squeeze page published to capture your opt-ins.

Whilst surfing I stumble upon your squeeze page and decide to subscribe to your list. You've now got your first sign up and are therefore a list owner! Once subscribed, you take me to a special offer page, where you show me an incredible free gift that I can have if I tell my friends or my own list of subscribers about your site.

Your gift is just too good to turn down! I instantly tell my friends about your site and during the next week, two of them subscribe to your list. So now, after 2 weeks of list building you have grown your list to 3 subscribers ( know three subscribers in just two weeks doesn't seem too impressive, but it does get better I promise!).

My two friends (your new subscribers), now see the same offer of a free gift in return for finding you further subscribers. Finding your offer irresistible, they in turn tell some of their friends about your you and your products. As a result each of them send you two new subscribers during the following week. At the end of week three you therefore have a list of 7 subscribers!

This sequence of events repeats for the next seven weeks. Every new subscriber finds you just 2 more sign-ups each during the following week. By week 10 your list has now grown to a much more impressive 511 subscribers (getting better, but still not a life changing number).

So ten weeks to get 511 subscribers on to your list. By repeating the sequence for the next 10 weeks, by the end of week 20, your list will have grown to an incredible 1,048,575 subscribers ... that's right, you'll add over a million subscribers in the last 10 weeks! You can see the full worked example in my free ebook List Building Riches (you can get a copy from the link below).

The power of two will grow your list to over one million subscribers in just 20 weeks, if successfully applied. When you see this example, getting to a million subscribers doesn't sound so daunting, after all getting someone to tell just 2 people about your list doesn't isn't an unreasonable task.

The key ingredient is "the compelling reason" you give to your visitors to tell others about your products and pages. When a new subscriber signs up, you need to immediately offer them an incredible free gift they can't say no to.

Make sure your gift has real value and is targeted to a specific need you know they will have. Once you've created an insatiable desire for your gift, only let them have it once they have told their friends about you and your products!

Your list building process can be automated to harness the "power of two", I'll show you how in my free report below. Get it right and your list will flourish and multiply like you never imagined possible.

When you start building your lists, think massive, think Viral! Get yourself a great free gift that will give your subscribers a "hugely compelling reason" to give to market your list for you and watch the "power of two" take affect.

To get yourself the definitive free guide to viral list building and learn how to harness the power of two, download my free List Building Riches ebook today!

Richard Taylor has earned thousands of dollars online over last year, but his real goal is to make a million dollars online by his 40th birthday in 2009! List Building Riches contains his blueprint for getting there using the exact viral marketing tactics the gurus use. The good news is you can get a copy for free when you visit his web site:


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