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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Fresh Methods to Make Money through Article Marketing

Article marketing is the process of writing and distributing your articles online. It is also one of the most effective ways to make money through the World Wide Web. How? Here are the 4 fresh methods on how you cash in from this marketing strategy:

1. Promote your website. Write articles that talk about your website topic, your products, and the problems that you solve. People who find your articles interesting and useful will be entice to visit your website that can easily lead to increased traffic. As you know, online traffic can easily be converted to money as it can dramatically improve your sales potential.

2. Promote your products. You can also use this technique to promote your products online. Write about your products' features and benefits to entice your potential clients to make a purchase. The key here is to make your content interesting and packed with useful information so online users will trust you and be willing to do business with you.

3. Promote affiliate products. If you are into affiliate marketing and currently looking for ways on how you can better sell your products online, article marketing can be your strongest promotional tool. Write about the topics that are highly relevant to your target niche and promote your affiliate products as solutions to their pressing issues.

4. Expand your email marketing list. Building your email list is one of the best things you can do to grow your online business. Article marketing can help you do that. Just communicate your expertise through your article content so you can build rapport and trust among your target market. If online users see that you are a great source of information, they will most like to subscribe with you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Techniques Revealed - 7 Article Marketing Techniques for More Traffic and Sales

Have you ever picked up one of your favorite books, skimmed through the beginning, then didn't stop reading until you were on chapter 10?

That's your number one technique for writing effective articles:

1. Captivating introduction
I guarantee that's a book that had a good introduction! Try to captivate your readers to read on. What good is an article if no one gets past the first paragraph?

2. Benefit driven headline, something quantitative
7 benefits of this, 4 tips of that, something with a definable characteristic they know they will be getting more information about.

3. Benefit-driven subheadings
You are providing information for the reader, but focus on benefits, not just features. Don't just say, "This widget has five arms." Focus on benefits, such as, "More family time: This widget does the dishes and the laundry at the same time.

4. No need to keyword-cram
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to lower the quality of your writing by cramming keywords for a particular density. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't worry about it.) All you need to do is have your keyword in title, a couple of times in intro, and mention it in conclusion.

5. Call to action
Make a strong close that encourages them to take action now. Do not delay, convince them that if they do not take action now, they will be missing out. Try not to sound salesy. This is an informative article.

6. Author's Resource Box
This is where you can sell yourself. Again, make it benefit driven, give them a reason to visit your website that if they don't they will be missing out on something great. I recommend making each one a little different to give it more relevant to your article subject. It's always good to offer free information or a no-risk proposition.

Something like,

Jane Doe is an experienced internet entrepreneur who coaches like-minded individuals to success.

For a free introduction to a revolutionary business model click here:

7. Be consistent!
Publish new content once a week or once a month. Honestly, the time frame should fit with your schedule. If you want to be aggressive, do one article per week. Less so, one article per month. Just be consistent. This looks good for publishers and readers.


(Read my other articles for more information about effective keywords...)

Nic Mitchell is a member of a group elite internet entrepreneurs dedicated to creating 100 millionaires by 2012.

No hype. No fluff. Just results.

For your free introduction to a bullet-proof business model, visit

How To Write Your Resource Box To Get People To Click

In this article you will read how to solve a big problem for effective article writing and marketing and be provided with an easy solution that works.

I get dozens of questions everyday from people asking how to improve their sales using their resource box at the end of every article submitted.

There is NO one single formula. You really need to test, test and test again.

As your potential customers read through your article they will arrive at the resource box at the end of it.

This is where most article marketers fall short. Yet, it's a vital aspect because without a compelling resource box aka bio you are simply wasting your valuable time.

If you have a website about puppies and dogs you could write an article about "3 Fantastic Ideas On How To Train Your Puppy Within Minutes".

When your reader gets to the end of your article they will see the resource box and a link to your site.

You want them to click on the link and see what you have on offer on your site. This could be items for dogs and puppies, books or services such as dog training, dog-sitting etc.

You are probably asking "What should be in the resource box to make it more effective"?

Here is the simple answer to a problem most people have.

The resource box usually contains the name and a brief description of the author. It should also have a short description of the site and a link to the site.

Just as the article needs to "grab you by the arm" so does the resource box in order to grab the attention of the reader.

Here are two very important aspects you need to remember to be effective.

1. The resource box is small and will be limited in the number of words that can be used. Therefore, it's important to use the right keywords and entice the reader to click on the link and visit your site.

2. Every person that clicks that links and visits your site is a potential customer. As there is so little space you need to learn about proper keywords that people are searching for.

There are plenty of free keyword tools online that can help you to determine what the best keywords are for your niche.

In your resource box make sure you are as creative as you can be and make the most of the space that is available to you.

You always want to make sure that you capture your reader's attention so that they visit your site to look into your product and or service that you provide.

When you use the proper content and trigger their imagination you can make them intrigued enough to click on your link which leads to the desired outcome.

Always be sure that you use keywords and phrases that are targeted to your type of site and do not try to mislead your potential customer.

If your site is about golf and golf tips and you only deal with one particular brand then make sure you make that known in your bio.

Once you realize that you only have one chance to create a lasting impression and to grab your reader, you will never again underestimate the potential of the proper 'grab you by the arm' resource box.

Even if it's very small, it can still be a very powerful way of driving quality visits to your niche site.

A boring resource box will not help you at all and will not produce the amazing results that you could get which means lost sales for all your hard work.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Get $197 of F-R-E-E Videos, Audios, Squeeze Pages, Keyword Tools and Content by Subscribing to a FREE Trial of "Bum Marketing Wiz 15 Day eCourse". at:

Ensuring Your Reader Knows You an Authority Without Bragging

If you are an article author there is a good chance that your reader does not know you from Adam and with all the bogus news out there fewer and fewer people trust what they read. Many online article authors need to be cognizant of the fact that more and more people believe little if anything that they read on the Internet. There is of course a good reason for this.

How can you the online article author overcome this challenge, how can you let the reader know that you know what you are talking about? Some believe that it is highly unprofessional to brag about your experience, credentials or strength of knowledge in your industry, domain or subject. I somewhat disagree with this, as there are ways to allow your readers to know that you know what you are talking about and that you stand behind every word you have written and can back it up.

There seems to be a hardcore under current in society currently to not show ego, but it is my contention that there are those who have an "earned ego" from experience and thus it is relevant to allow your readers thru implied language that you know your stuff and you are good at what you do and that you know it. Such a stance is not often considered acceptable in some social situations and yet the reader of an online article may only read one of your articles once.

Currently, I have some 4.3 million article views on one online article website alone with the average article syndicated 14 times. So, if you consider the numbers I have some 40-50 million readers who have viewed one of my articles. They read it and considered it and either clicked out or used the by-line to come to our website.

If they believe you are an authority on the subject chances are they are much more likely to seek more information. Thus, a little bit of bragging might be relevant, just do it correctly and do not overdo it, some weaker individuals with low self-esteem might be completely turned-off. If that is your target market then, you need to cater to their fragile egos too.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Unlock The Secrets To Creating An Authority Website Using Article Marketing

Are you achieving the results that you want from your home business? In this article I am going to address one of the reasons most people do not succeed online. To succeed you need a lot of targeted traffic. Newbies usually spend a fortune on ppc marketing or advertising methods that cost a lot.

So because of this they do not give themselves the opportunity to experiment and learn how to do things the right way. After they have wasted huge amounts of cash on advertising that does not work for them they quit thinking that internet marketing does not work.

So let us look at one of the best ways to build a stable internet business for long term results. You need to have a quality website that the search engines love. Imagine getting ten thousand or twenty thousand visitors to your website from search engines a month.

In this article I am going to look at how to build an authority website. First of all you need to choose your niche market. Once you have your niche market you need to build a large content website that the search engines will love.

The easiest way that you can do this is in the form of blog as it allows you to focus on completely on the content and not on updating a website. Write articles at least five times a day and update your blog. The search engines like this because you are providing fresh useful content.

Now the search engines regard link popularity as the main factor in determining your search engine rankings. The best way to do this is to write a lot of articles focusing on your niche market and submit them to the major article directories providing you one way links to your website. Your articles will also become viral and you will get links from websites that publish it subsequently increasing your link popularity and search engine rankings.

Once you get traffic to your website you need to decide on the best way to monetize that traffic.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Announcing 3 Fresh Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Why do other online businesses succeed while others don't? It is because they have not really implemented their internet marketing strategies well, including article marketing. You should stay away from the notion that this technique only requires you to write articles, and that's it. Otherwise, you will definitely fail.

Here are 3 fresh secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. All things change, even the tastes of your readers. You will never be able to satisfy their needs if you are not also going to improvise and innovate your writing techniques. This is going to be quite a challenge, though, but this will surely pay off when time comes. You can learn to develop your skill by reading other people's works and by enriching your vocabulary.

2. Spend money in article marketing. If you think that the only way to get published in well-established magazines is to pay for space, then so be it. After all, when you're in article marketing, you have to exhaust every possible means to have your copies read by as many targeted customers as possible. However, you have to make sure that your paid membership or inclusion is truly worth it. Otherwise, you can stick with free article directories in the meantime.

3. Build relationships with other writers and webmasters. Perhaps you may have never felt it, but sooner or later, you need help of other people. For example, you can request your webmaster-friends to publish some of your articles with links to your website in their pages. When you don't have much time to produce your own articles, you can always runt to your article writers. Finding friends in the World Wide Web will surely make article marketing a much easier technique to implement.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Crank Out Multiple Articles To Become An Expert And Explode Your Business

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still struggling to see results from your article marketing efforts? You may be writing articles, but simply not getting the results that you want.

In this article I would like to go over the key ingredient for article marketing success. You simply are not writing enough to achieve success. The biggest problem is that if you plan on only doing one article a day then this method of promotion will not work.

You are branding your name on the internet. When people subscribe to your newsletter or purchase your product it is because you have built your brand up and people trust you enough to do business with you. As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only do business with other people that they like, know and trust.

Ask yourself honestly who would you rather purchase from somebody who has 5 articles out there or somebody who has 500 hundred articles. If you read 500 articles by one author you are more likely to trust them and purchase their product than if you only read 5 articles. So to dramatically increase your business you need to increase the number of articles that you have out there.

This is a common mistake by many newbies. They think that all they need to do is write 20 articles and they are going to achieve massive success. You need to be producing and submitting articles to directories on a consistent basis to make this method work. Eventually you will build your brand as an expert in your market and when people are ready to purchase they will automatically think of you first.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

We Must Stamp Out the Crappy Articles for More Serious Online Article Content

More than one online article author has said that on the Internet in online article submission websites there are some really "crappy articles" out there. This is their direct words in describing less than acceptable content. Of course there are also some really good "serious" online articles too, so let's not jump to too many conclusions here.

Myself, I have written thin content articles for the pop culture crowd with little if any real substance and I have written some very serious articles as well. Yet, I totally see it too and understand the dilemma myself since I often write some of both types of articles. But if this is a push-pull thing then perhaps there should be two websites for each top online article submission website?

One for "trite" articles and one for serious articles, with a section for full-on "white papers" or borderline "research papers" with serious eBooks available splitting sales with authors?

It seems that those who write the better more serious articles would have a thing or two to say about the garbage articles, I cannot blame them and have complained myself. Of course like most, I have adjusted my content downward slightly to:

A.) fit in and;

B.) meet the expectations of the Internet Surfers who are shallow often in their thought processes.

Then there is the issue of quality such as punctuation, spelling and sentence structure. Indeed, I myself have worked hard to watch the spelling etc, and make sure to bring one decent point at least to the reader in every article.

The endless "get rich quick" or "Get a Date" articles are prolific, but not just on the top online submission websites, actually all over the Internet. Apparently because people like them, that is the average populi or teenager surfer. They are humans and that is what the masses are, happy humans doing their thing, procreating more of the same?

You know there is a market for serious articles and excellent content, I am a reader who likes the good stuff, but realize if you write for that market, that yiu are writing to 5-10% of the population and the other 90-95% seems to enjoy at least some of the fluff, BS articles and 50% just love them?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington