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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Article Income Secrets - You Can't Really Make Money Directly with Your Articles, Can You?

Article marketing is a great way to create a presence on the web, build back links to your web sites, drive visitors to your sites and build your list. These are all great benefits and enogh reason to get really good at article marketing.

Many people belief the benefits stop right there though. In fact, many internet marketers, who should really know better, will tell you that you cannot make money directly with your articles. I have three point about this advice that you may find useful.

3 Points about Article Income

1. They are wrong - I'm sure these folks mean well, and are not intentionally giving you wrong information. Having said that, they are wrong. Properly positioned, you can sell your individual articles on your web site and make more that most authors make for the sale of a book in a bookstore. Properly repurposed, you can create multiple products and multiple streams of income with your articles.

2. They are your competition - Now we could try to convince these folks that they are wrong and try to get them to see the right way to do things. But why? I think it is better to let them go on believing their wrong information because they are your competition.

3. This is a good thing - The fact that these folks are wrong coupled with the fact that they are your competition is a good thing! Your job is to go ahead and let them believe what they believe while you are making money with your articles!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

What Sudoku Puzzles Can Teach You About Hooking Readers Into Your How-To Articles

I have become hooked on solving Sudoku puzzles. It started off by just experimenting with the puzzles, but then it grew.

As I found myself working more and more of these things, I told myself I could quit anytime I wanted to, but it was already too late.

Now I cant go to sleep at night unless I have solved a Sudoku puzzle, and I cant eat a meal if a puzzle book is sitting beside my plate.

What does my pitiful story have to do with writing how-to articles? Simply this. Sudoku books start you off on the easy level so you can build your confidence. You work a few of the puzzles at this level and you become more confident and move on to a harder level. But by the time you graduate to a higher level of difficulty, they are challenging without being so impossible that you lose hope.

In order to hook a reader into your how-to article, you must do the same thing. First you must convince your readers that they really can learn to do whatever it is you are attempting to teach them.

The reader must never lose hope that he or she can reach a level of competency as a result of your instruction. This is the promise you make to your reader, that you will see them through the learning process and they will come out the other side skillful.

People are reluctant to attempt to learn new things. They have felt the sting of failure before and it hurts. Before you can teach them in your how-to article, you must first remove their fear of failure and replace it with confidence that if they follow the steps you lay out for them, they will acquire a new skill.

Which is exactly how the Sudoku puzzle constructors got me hooked. They built my confidence up one step at a time. This is the promise you make with your reader, follow me and when we get to the end of our journey, you will be the proud owner of new knowledge and a new ability.

But before you can teach your readers your how-to information, you must first sell them on the belief that they can do it.

COPYRIGHT(C) 2006, Charles Brown. All rights reserved.

Nothing drives more traffic to your website faster than online articles. Each article can create hundreds of inbound links pointing to your website. But what if you do not have the time or skill to write 10, 20, 50 or 100 articles on your own? Hire Platnum Member, Charles Brown, to ghost write your articles for you. Visit his site at or contact him at charbrow(at)gmail(dot)com.

Article Marketing - The Failing Formula!

How can you fail at article marketing? The process is very simple actually. You have probably even heard of them by now. You probably even live by these failing formulas! They seem logical, but really, they don't work. What are these simple failing formulas?

The article marketing failing formulas

  • You should republish your articles for greater publicity. I don't know if you know this or not, but search engines do not index duplicated content. Well they do, but your duplicate content must get more inbound links than the original or other duplicates. Why should you duplicate content if it just means more work, for an article that might not even get more than 10 views? It's not worth doing, and it's not going to make your article marketing journey skyrocket.
  • Create tons of articles, it doesn't matter if they suck. This is completely false. All of your articles should be written well and it should have valuable content. If you think that your going to make it in article marketing by publishing articles that give the reader absolutely no information, you are sadly mistaken. It's true and there is no thought around it. Your articles should contain valuable information and it should be enjoyable to read. Article quality is very important to article marketing.
  • Only publish 1-10 articles. This is not a good tactic in this marketing strategy. The fewer articles that you make, the more likely your articles are not going to be viewed. Just writing 10 articles isn't going to get you the page ranking you deserve. It can, but it's very rare. It really is! You should be writing articles regularly, the more you write, the more publicity you're going to get!
  • Your title doesn't matter. This is my favorite failing formula. Your articles title is important. It needs to be able to attract your readers attention. Your articles title is what makes the reader decide to click on your link when there are other links out there. Your article title matters!

These are simple failing fomulas that you might be going by, so just sit down for a bit, and think about how you write your articles. If you use any of these formulas, you might find yourself in the fast track to article marketing failure!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 6 First Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful ways to promote your online business. It does not only allow you to generate more traffic to your site but more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to show your expertise to your potential clients. If you want to accelerate your article marketing, these 6 first methods are definitely for you:

1. Learn the ropes of article marketing. Continuously update yourself with latest innovations and breakthroughs that can help you improve your article marketing strategy. You can easily do this by reading articles or tutorial to learn a thing or two about this strategy. Remember, you cannot afford to miss valuable information about article marketing because it can make a big difference on your projected result.

2. Master the art of writing a killer resource box. Your resource box must have the ability to make your readers visit your website, buy your offering, or sign up on your e-mail list.

3. Never resort to article spinning software. While these are great tools in creating different versions of an article, they are not suitable to be used in article marketing. Remember, your potential clients would like to read something that you personally wrote and not articles that just repeat the information you presented on your previous articles. Also, this software cannot guarantee the quality of your articles and this can greatly affect your objective in showcasing your expertise to your potential clients.

4. Submit articles on a regular basis. Make your presence felt by regularly posting quality articles that are useful to your potential clients.

5. Direct your visitors to appropriate web page. Depending on your call to action, the link posted on your resource box must direct your readers to where they can do what you want them to do. You can either direct them to your squeeze page or product page.

6. Make sure that your articles are of high-quality. The success of your article marketing campaign will largely depend on the quality of your articles. To succeed in this endeavor, make sure that all your articles are well-written and useful to your potential clients.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Great Steps to an Appealing Article Marketing

Engaging into article is can be a lot of things. It can be a very challenging, taxing activity and yet fulfilling endeavor. You get to feel the rush of article marketing even at the start of building your articles. More drive is being felt as you progress with how much more information would be necessary to make the article more effective. In the end, after the article has already been published and begins to reap its rewards, you get to feel the fulfillment brought about by this activity. In order to make sure that success comes into your hands, the following great steps are being suggested:

1. Build a very powerful and practically appealing article material. Make sure that you come up with a very attractive and full of information article to ensure that you get to have the right kind of audience.

2. Plan very well on how you are going to market your articles. There are so many ways and means that you can use in order for your article materials to have proper exposure and gain popularity.

3. You can practically publish your article in all publishing sites in order to maximize the potential of your article to gain the widest popularity. There is no existing rule or whatsoever that prohibit anyone from publishing the same article to all article publishing sites. Take advantage of this privilege and make a mark online.

4. You can also publish your articles on your own website. This is one effective and practical means that you can use in order to have the most effective article marketing scheme.

5. You can also make use of your own web log as the perfect avenue for your article marketing. You can publish and post your article materials on your web log to gain free exposure and all at the same time promoting and marketing your own web log.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How to Use Article Marketing to Build Credibility

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.