Make Money At Home

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing Ideas For Online Income Business Success

The most popular place to first start distributing articles is of course to the article directories. Whilst this is a proven method to build back links to your online income business website as well as generate free traffic there are other ways to spread your articles far and wide over the internet.

Be sure, prior to submitting your articles, to include the resource box at the end of your article as this will not only provide another valuable back link to your site but is also a form of free advertising for your online income business. It is also a good idea to put your publishing guidelines in your resource box as well i.e. "You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact."

Let`s start off by doing a search for the terms e-zines and article publishing websites as you will be sure to find many links on these sites to submit your articles.

Create a free e-book with all your own articles and offer it on your website as a freebie, or give it away to your newsletter sign-ups. You can get even more free advertising by adding your own online income business advert to the e-book as well.

Adding an article directory to your own website will encourage visitors who are looking for free content for their own websites.

Submit your articles to print publications that pay for submissions and earn extra online income by becoming a freelance writer.

Create a free report on internet marketing or online income businesses and include a few of your related articles and give it away as a bonus to those who purchase a product or service from you?

What about considering publishing a book containing all the articles you have written and selling the book from your website?

Gain huge exposure by offering other webmasters the opportunity to get an instant article directory by linking to yours. This could also increase the traffic to your website.

Submit your articles to related online communities, such as newsgroups, forums and email discussion lists as this will attract a huge amount of free advertising to your online income business.

Try searching using your own main keywords and have a look through the authority sites in the top rankings and you may well find an invitation to submit your articles to them. Some of these sites also have their own forum with an article marketing section.

Be sure to advise others that they are welcome to include your articles in their free e-books. This really is free advertising as you don't even need to promote the e-book.

You could also set up a campaign in your auto-responder offering a weekly article to your website visitors and include your online income business email advert with each article.

As you can see there are so many ways to use your articles to build back links and generate free traffic to your online income business and that is what makes it such a worthwhile and successful internet marketing tool.

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner of Subscribe to her Free Online Home Business Ideas Newsletter and learn how to start and build a successful online income business. Have a peek at the free internet income training included in the newsletter subscription. You may publish my article if you include the bio.

Article Marketing Titles - Targeting Your Audience in Your Article Title

The next thing you want to think about is, what do people want to know about the topic. So, sticking to our big blue new toy example, what are some things that people want to know about it?

Notice that I ask, what are some things that people want to know about it, not what are some things you want people to know about it. That is a crucial distinguishment.

It is about the people reading the article, not about you. Give them what they want to read, not what you want them to read. Answer their questions, and then they will see you as an expert, and become likely to want to get more information from you.

So what are some things people might want to know about the big blue new toy?

How about:

How fast is it?

How big is it?

How much is it?

How many are available?

Where can I find one?

How does it work?

Now there are certainly many more, but for the sake of space and repetitiveness, I will use those as examples.

So what are some titles I can create, using these questions:

Take a look:

Big Blue New Toy - How fast is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How big is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How much is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How many of the Big Blue New Toy are available?

Big Blue New Toy - Where can I find the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How does the work Big Blue New Toy?

So you can see that just using the basic questions people might ask and the keyword phrase itself, I have created a number of article titles that are going to rank in the search engines quite highly.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.

Article Marketing For Your Business - How To Use Article Writing and Marketing To Attract Clients

Marketing for your business with articles will get you highly responsive and targeted leads. There is no cost involved, so you just invest your time and the pay-off can happen very quickly. Here are 7 ways to write articles that will increase your business, both online and offline.

  • Write short articles, from two hundred fifty to three hundred fifty words in length, that discuss what your product or service can do for the reader.
  • Teach or share a point in your article so that your readers will learn something that will help them in the future.
  • Present the information in your article in a clear and concise way so that it is easy to understand.
  • Leave the reader wanting more. This means that you will end the article before you have given a final conclusion to the problem or situation you are discussing.
  • Have a clear call to action in your resource box. Tell your readers exactly what you want them to do after they have read your article.
  • Spend time on keyword research so that you can maximize the benefits of each article you write. Choose two or three keywords or keyword phrases to focus on so that you can attract people who are searching for your product or service.
  • Write as many articles as you can. Every article you write will work like a robot for you every minute of every day to bring you leads, prospects, and clients for your business for years to come.

Follow these 7 tips and you will have visitors to your website or blog and your business will build very quickly. The more articles you write, the more you will know how to focus on the exact people you are trying to attract into your business.

And now I invite you to download two free writing templates to make the article writing process fast and easy by visiting to write short articles that will bring you more business now.

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 1 Day

Article marketing can be an easy task to fail it. It really can be. So to help you avoid these simple pitfalls, here is a guide to help you in your article marketing.

How to fail at article marketing in one day!

  • You write only one article and think that only that one article is going to get you the major amounts of traffic. This is not true! Just writing one article isn't going to get you anywhere! If your just going to write one article, there will be no point in your article marketing. Your article will most likely, not even appear in search engine rankings.
  • Putting in different sets of keywords in your articles will not get you anywhere. When writing keywords, you should be using the same keywords. This is the best way to dominate your competition, but people don't seem to do it.
  • Writing one whole paragraph and calling it an article. Your readers don't want to read one long paragraph. They don't want to take their time reading something that's going to be confusing and long. By simply breaking up your article into paragraphs, you can get your readers attention and actually get them to click on your URL link.
  • Not putting your keyword in your articles title. This is a great way to get your article a higher page ranking. It's simple to do. Just input your articles keyword into the first three words of your title. This gives you high page rankings, making it easier for your viewers to actually view your articles.
  • Duplicating content and then submitting it. Duplicated content do not get indexed into search engines. The only way that can get indexed, is if they get more inbound links than the original and other duplicates. This is a much harder task than by just simply writing your own unique article!
  • Not writing 10 articles a day. By just simply writing a small amount of articles a day, you get more publicity and you get better at writing your articles!

Try your best to avoid these simply mistakes! Avoid them, and your article marketing will vastly increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover Outstanding Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

In a nutshell, article marketing is a simple and cost-effective marketing tool. It is the process of writing and publishing quality articles to educate your readers while establishing your expertise at the same time. This, when done perfectly, can lead to customers' trust and loyalty which are the best two stepping stones in persuading online users to purchase from you.

1. Know how to build up your products without resorting to blatant advertising. As you know, you need to keep your sales pitches off your content to avoid annoying your readers. Although you can't directly market your products on your content, you can do it in a subtle way. How? By creating a need for your product. For instance, if you are selling teeth whitening toothpaste, talk about the how white teeth can affect your potential clients' social lives, how white teeth can improve their appearance, etc. This is a good way to build up your product and make your readers feel that it is a necessity that they need to get it ASAP to improve the quality of their lives.

2. Make your articles search-engine friendly. Sprinkle generous amount of keywords and popular search terms on your content to make your articles easy to find online.

3. Find your voice. Don't be somebody's copycat. Be unique and be known for it. Develop you own, unique writing style that your potential readers will identify you with.

4. Publish your articles. Manually submit your articles to leading publishing sites that have huge, steady traffic and have impressive page ranking. In doing so, make sure that your article summary and your resource box are powerful enough to convert your readers to potential clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Advantages of Article Marketing

Starting an online business is a very large undertaking. The key to making it work for you is getting your name out there and educating your target audience about your product or service. Hundreds of new businesses are popping up every day on the Internet. Your goal is to get yours noticed above everyone else's. So, how do you do that?

Article marketing offers many advantages for the online business owner. Some of these include:

* The ability to attract search engines and increase your site's marketability. Search engines determine the value of your site by the number of useful links pointing to it. This is how your site climbs positions in the search engine rankings.

* Promotion through article directories dramatically increases traffic to your website. Your articles are used by other websites, printed in e-zines and featured in newsletters.

* A free method of reaching thousands of buyers interested in the type of product or service you are offering. Once you promote your marketing article on the relevant directories, you are finished with that part of your marketing. The traffic developed through the article directories will continue to grow and you won't have to do anything else with that article.

* The ability to get many links posted on other sites. Every time a link to your marketing article is posted on another site, you gain the opportunity to reach all of that site's visitors as prospective customers.

Promote and publish informational articles about your product or service and gain the trust of potential buyers. Through article marketing you have the ability to become an authority on your topic of interest.

How it Works

Online article marketing provides directory publishers with free content. It also provides web-based businesses with free advertising. Promotional articles are written to target certain niche markets. They are then distributed to directories that focus on those markets. This provides business owners with a ready-made audience that already has an interest in the topic.

Readers are allowed to reprint articles from the directories, provided they include the original author's information box. The result is that your article is now posted on another website, and you gain that site's traffic.

What makes a good marketing article? Every marketing article must contain key elements. These are:

* Original content
* Quality content
* Relevant keywords
* Marketability to high traffic directories
* Author information leading the visitor to your site

It costs you nothing to submit your articles to these article directories. This means free advertising for your website. It also means increased traffic to your website.

You may also choose to have someone else write your articles for you. For a minimal fee, you can hire a company or individual to create the content for your marketing articles. Using this method, you have invested little financially and have reduced the time you must dedicate to your marketing.

Your Author's Information Box

A few essential items must be included in the author information box of your marketing article. The following items attract the reader to your site.

* Your name
* A valid link to your website
* USP (Unique Selling Proposition): What makes you and your product or service different from all others?
* A call to action in which you prompt the reader to go to your website

You may choose to include these options as well:

* Your contact information
* A free report: Just as you like free advertising, your customers like to get something free for visiting your site.
* An address to your free E-zine subscription: Offering a free E-zine is another method of attracting potential buyers and gaining credibility in your area of expertise.

One of the most effective tools for promotion and advertising available to you as an Internet business owner is the use of article marketing. With this tool, you can attract your target audience to your website and convince them to purchase your product or service.

David O Connell: How to Write High Quality Articles for High Profits: Get Article Magic Free here freereports.

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Fast Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Fast Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Build a Massive Web Presence with Your Articles

Creating a massive web presence with article marketing is really not that difficult. It's quite do-able if you are willing to invest the time and energy.

Once one of your articles goes viral you have begun to build a web presence with that one article.

How to create a massive web presence

Here are some simple steps to take to create a massive web presence with your articles.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article on a topic in your niche.

Step 2 - Submit it first to EzineArticles, the largest article directory with the most traffic.

Step 3 - Submit your article to other top ranked article directories.

Step 4 - Submit your article to niche article directories. You can find these by typing in your keywords into Google or Yahoo followed by the phrase "article directory."

Step 5 - Submit your article to your own article directory in your niche.

Step 6 - Do this over and over again.

Benefits of a massive web presence

Let's say we've got Speaker 1 and Speaker 2, and the meeting planner is trying to decide which one of these speakers to hire. They're equal in skill, they're equal in topic, and they're reasonably equal in fee.

The meeting planner does a little internet search and they find a couple of hits for Speaker 1. But Speaker 2, they do a Google search for their name and find dozens and dozens and dozens and perhaps hundreds of hits because of all the articles they've written.

Which speaker is the meeting planner going to hire?

And you can build the same kind of massive web presence with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Fast Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - 4 Big Steps to Advance With Article Marketing

Most webmasters are looking for ways on how they can promote their websites without spending too much but still get the kind of traffic that will bring them huge profit. Article marketing is considered one of the most effective ways in promoting your products and driving organic traffic to your website without shelling out your precious dimes. As such, it is one of the most used marketing strategies by webmasters these days.

If you are currently using this technique but still want to improve the number you are getting in terms of profit and traffic, these 4 big steps will help you advance in article marketing:

1. Write more articles. The quantity of your articles plays a major role in the success of your article marketing campaign. Simply because, each submission grants you one quality back link to your website. Thus, the number of your articles dictates the number of your backlinks.

2. Post your articles to paid submission sites. If you are willing to spend money on this technique, you can do so by joining paid submission sites. These sites allow you to put HTML codes on the body of your articles. In addition, they post your articles quicker because they put them on high priority.

3. Get article submission software. Submitting your articles manually can take a lot of time. If you want to focus on writing articles, I strongly suggest that you get article submission software that will electronically distribute your articles to over 200 submission sites in just few clicks.

4. Permit other online users and webmasters to use your articles. Provided they post your website link on their site. This can lead to massive distribution of your articles that can result to even great exposure for you and your products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.